The UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council has funded a number of research projects, led by me, in collaboration with others:
- Community-powered transformations: Digital transformations in the creative relationships between cultural and media organisations and their users, awarded £29,836 from the AHRC Research Development Grants Scheme (Ref: AH/J01303X/1), 14 February 2012 to 30 September 2012.
- Digital Engagements: Online Exclusion and Social Capital, awarded £340,823 from the AHRC Research Grants Scheme (Ref: AH/H038736/1), 1 September 2010 to 31 May 2014.
- Young people’s creative understanding of their mediaworlds, awarded £188,365 from the AHRC Research Grants Scheme (Ref: AH/F009682/1), 1 September 2008 to 30 September 2010.
- Audience and producer engagement with immersive worlds, awarded £74,243 from the AHRC & BBC Pilot Knowledge Exchange Programme Scheme (Ref: AH/F006756/1), 1.7.2007–30.6.2008. —Extended in 2009 with £17,034 of ‘Knowledge Infusion Funding’ (second phase 1.1.2009–30.4. 2009).
We also had one project funded via the RCUK Digital Economy programme, administered by the EPSRC:
- Building Collaboration and Engagement for Media Professionals and Academic Researchers, awarded £47,524 from the RCUK Digital Economy programme (Ref: EP/H032568/1), 1.1. 2010–30.9.2010.
Most recently I am Co-Investigator on the project Digital Folk: Digital Media in Folk Arts Participation, funded by the AHRC as a standard Research Grant (Ref: AH/L014858/1), 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2016. The Principal Investigator is Simon Keegan-Phipps of the University of Sheffield. (See blog post about this project).
I am a member of the AHRC Peer Review College, and have chaired and participated in AHRC Panel Meetings. I am a member of the AHRC Digital Transformations Theme Advisory Group, and an advocate of this theme, which I like to explain using my ‘three spheres of transformation‘ model.