Hello! You have landed on this page because you were heading for one of the old websites made by me, David Gauntlett, in the distant past.
Most of the stuff on sites like ‘theory.org.uk’ and ‘newmediastudies.com’ was 12-20 years old, and I kept it all on the internet for a long long time in case anybody really needed it, but I think that time has now gone.
However you might find what you were looking for – or something newer and better – by taking a look at:
→ This whole site! Full of many things. Take a look around!
→ Latest book is the Second Expanded Edition of Making is Connecting!
→ The complete list of my publications, some of which are available online
→ This ‘open access‘ page, highlighting recent items that you can read free
→ The complete list of blog posts
→ This blog post and video addressed to UK A & AS-Level Media Studies students who have to write about ‘Gauntlett’ and ‘identity’
I hope this helps! If you are especially upset that something in particular has vanished, contact me and if other people feel the same way about the same thing, I might create a new place for it on this site. Thank you!
[12 hours later:] So I almost immediately heard from someone who was sad that they couldn’t get the Theory Trading Cards any more. Don’t worry, here’s the PDFs, from 18 years ago:
→ Theory Trading Cards sheet 1 (cards #1–#9)
→ Theory Trading Cards sheet 2 (cards #10–#12)
[A bit later:] OK, and people are also looking for these old things:
→ ‘Ten Things Wrong With Media Effects Studies’ (2006 version)
→ ‘Media Studies 2.0’ (originally from 2007)
→ ‘How to Survive Your PhD’ (one-sheet of tips from 2001)
→ ‘Essay-writing Guide’ (from 1998, really old, but timeless advice, I guess)